Договір публічної оферти

Договір публічної оферти


for the provision of services for

organization of transport and tourist services

м. Kyiv

Limited Liability Company "Perseus Travel", License for tour operator

activity: Series AG No 580678 dated 11.11.2011, IATA number code: 72-3 2435 0, (hereinafter referred to as

the "Agency"), represented by Director Kucherenko Oleg Vladimirovich, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the

on the one hand, and the Customer on the other hand, about the following:


1.1. "Agreement" means the Agreement on the provision of services for the organization of transport and tourist

services No. 01-29/06/2022 dated June 29, 2022.

1.2. "IATA" means the International Air Transport Association.

1.3. "TIM" - a monthly aviation guide of IATA member airlines, which sets out visa,

customs and other requirements mandatory for entry or transit through the territory of other foreign countries.


1.4. "Airline" means a legal entity that transports or undertakes to transport

passenger and/or baggage and/or provide the necessary services in accordance with the contract of carriage (ticket).

1.5. "Air transportation" means transportation of passengers and/or baggage by air,

carried out by a regular flight of a certain airline, which is confirmed by a contract of carriage


1.6. "Passenger" means an individual specified by the Customer in the order;

1.7. "Railway ticket services" are services that include:

- provision of reference information on train schedules;

- reference information on the availability of seats and the cost of railway tickets;

- registration/reservation of railway tickets

- delivery of railway tickets to the Customer's office.

- familiarization of "passengers", if necessary, with the rules of border and customs


1.8. "Services for providing air tickets" are services that include

- booking an air ticket

- familiarization of "passengers" with the rules of border and customs control;

- selection of the optimal route of air transportation on flights of different


1.9. "Service Fee" is a remuneration to the Agency for the services rendered to the Customer in accordance with the terms of this

Agreement, which include:

-selection of the optimal route of air transportation on flights of different

airline companies;

-booking of the air ticket;

-familiarization of "passengers" with the rules of border and customs control;

-providing other related information at the request of the "passengers";

-provision of services for the provision of railway tickets;

-other services ordered to the Agency by the Customer.


2.1. The Agency undertakes to provide the following services for a fee and at the expense of the Customer

organization of transport and tourist services (hereinafter referred to as the "Services"):

- booking and issuing airline tickets;

- registration of railway tickets;

- booking of hotel rooms;

- registration of medical insurance policies for travelers;

- delivery of ordered/issued airline and or railway tickets to the

to the address specified by the Customer;

2.2 The Customer undertakes to accept the provided Services and make payment in accordance with the terms and conditions of

of this Agreement.

2.3. The Customer acquires the right to receive such Services in accordance with the terms of the Agreement.

2.4. The subject matter of this Agreement may be extended by mutual agreement of the Parties.


3.1 The Agency shall undertake the following obligations under this Agreement:

3.1.1.Accept orders from the Customer for the provision of the Services provided for by the Agreement (including

including booking of airline/train tickets) by phone, e-mail, via


3.1.2. To agree with the Customer on tariffs and possible changes in the terms of provision of the Services, the total cost of

air/rail transportation, the amount of the Agency's remuneration, the deadline for its payment, the possibility of

change in the cost of air/rail transportation on the day of payment due to changes in the exchange rate;

3.1.3. To inform the Customer in a timely manner about the route (cities, airports, terminals

departure/arrival terminals), date and time of departure and/or departure, including the start and end time of check-in

for the flight, flight numbers and names of the airlines performing air transportation, type of aircraft, etc.

type of aircraft, etc;

3.1.4. To familiarize the Customer with the rules of application of tariffs of JSC "Ukrzaliznytsia"

and/or the airline and penalties that may be applied in case of change of time and/or dates of

departure/departure, delay, refusal of air/rail transportation, rules and regulations,

provided by the Laws of Ukraine "On Consumer Protection", "On Tourism", etc;

3.1.5. Accept payment for the Services and the cost of air and/or railway tickets from the Customer

in cash/cashless payments or using payment/credit cards. Timely

inform the Customer in any way (including by e-mail,

fax or telephone) about the need to decide on the redemption of pre-booked tickets.

booked tickets before a certain date (event). Otherwise, the pre-booked tickets

may be canceled.

3.1.6. Provide the Services to the Customer only after receiving confirmation of payment for the pre-ordered Services, unless otherwise

for the pre-ordered Services, unless otherwise provided by the terms of this Agreement.

3.1.7. To issue and sell air tickets in accordance with the rules of international and

domestic fares established by airlines and IATA; Issue air/rail tickets in accordance with the Customer's

to the Customer's orders, in compliance with clause 4.1.2. of the Agreement and clause In case of issuing

the Agency issues travel documents and/or makes hotel reservations not in accordance with the data specified in the

in the order (clauses 4.1.2,, the Agency shall reissue such travel documents and/or

hotel reservation in accordance with the Customer's order - at its own expense.

3.1.8. Timely notify the Customer of flight cancellation or postponement, offer

other flight/travel options;

3.1.9. To perform the actions specified in clause 2.1. of this Agreement in accordance with the orders provided by the Customer

orders submitted by the Customer;

3.1.10. Immediately transfer to the Client all documents received in connection with the Agency's fulfillment of its obligations under this Agreement.

its obligations under this Agreement (performing the actions specified in Clause 2.1. hereof);

3.1.11. on the last day of the reporting month to provide the Customer with the Acceptance Certificate of the rendered

services provided.

3.2. The Agency shall have the following rights under this Agreement:

3.2.1. To demand from the Customer proper fulfillment of the terms of the Agreement.


4.1 The Client shall undertake the following obligations under this Agreement:

4.1.1. To send orders to the Agency with the instruction to provide the Services for the Customer's employees

and other persons designated by the Customer. The Customer shall submit an order for the provision of the Services (booking

air transportation, railway tickets and other Services) provided for by this Agreement by e-mail: , telephone

mail: sales@perseytravel.com.ua, by phone (044) 303-95-70, by fax (044) 501-58-37 or

directly at the Agency's office; If necessary, order the delivery of issued tickets to

to the Customer's address;

4.1.2. Within the period specified by the Agency, provide it with documents or copies thereof (passport of a citizen,

foreign passport, visa, hotel voucher) or in writing the information that

necessary for booking and/or issuing air tickets (name, surname, date of

date of birth of the passenger, series and number of the passport of the citizen/foreign passport, date of expiration

expiration date of the passport; visa number, date of issue and period of validity, address of stay for travelers to the following countries:

USA, Canada, Great Britain, Australia, etc., contact phone number of the passenger (the Client - the

the Customer's Principal). Provision by the Customer of passport data of passengers prior to booking for flights of all

without exception, for flights to Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Asia,

Japan, India and China is mandatory in accordance with the requirements of the international APIS (Air Passenger Information

Security) and the legislation of these countries. The Customer shall also indicate the following information in the order

- Surname and first names of passengers (Cyrillic and Latin spelling according to passport data,

depending on the service ordered)

- information on citizenship

- gender of the clients;

- date, time and route of transportation;

- preferred class of reservation;

- wishes for transit points to the destination;

- the need for online registration;

- name of the hotel;

- dates of arrival/departure;

- early check-in/late check-out - form of payment;

- place and date of car delivery;

- transfer route/flight number;

- type of car;

- and other information if necessary

4.1.3. Order the issuance of air / railway tickets from the Agency only if the

all documents necessary for the passenger to comply with the rules of entry/exit, transit, stay

in the countries of travel and/or transit, established by the legislation of such countries, along the entire route

of the passenger's movement.

4.1.4. Timely make all necessary changes to previously submitted orders for issuing

to make all necessary changes to the previously sent orders for tickets.

4.1.5. In case of cancellation of booked or issued air tickets, reimburse

actually incurred by the Agency, including reimbursement of penalties paid by the Agency

sanctions paid to the Agency in connection with the cancellation of booked or issued air tickets. Expenses

of the Agency and penalties shall be reimbursed by the Customer within 5 (five) banking days from the date of

the Contractor has issued the relevant invoice and provided all supporting documents regarding

of the expenses incurred.

4.1.6. To reimburse the Agency for the necessary expenses for the actions specified in clause 2.1. of this

of this Agreement;

4.1.7. Pay the Agency the remuneration in accordance with the terms of this Agreement;

4.1.8. To accept from the Agency all results of fulfillment of its obligations under this Agreement.

4.2. The Client has the following rights under this Agreement:

4.2.1. To require the Agency to properly fulfill the terms of the Agreement;

4.2.2. Receive consultations from the Agency related to the implementation of the provisions of this Agreement;

4.2.3. The Customer shall not be entitled to assign, transfer or otherwise delegate its rights and obligations to third

rights and obligations stipulated by the terms of this Agreement to third parties.



5.1. For the provision of the Services under this Agreement, the Customer shall pay the Agency a fee (hereinafter referred to as

"Service Fee") in the amount specified in the Agency's Invoice.

5.2. The cost of each air and/or railway ticket under this Agreement shall be determined in accordance with

to the tariff policy of the respective carrier and shall be indicated in the respective Invoice

and the Acceptance Certificate of the Services rendered, which are an integral part of this Agreement.

The airfare shall include airline tariffs, airport charges and other mandatory payments,

which are made in favor of the carrier.

5.3. To ensure the timely provision of the Services under this Agreement, the Customer is obliged to

make 100% prepayment of the cost of air and/or railway tickets and the Service Fee for

ordered Services according to the Agency's Invoices.

5.4. The Agency shall systematically provide the Customer with reports on the fulfillment of the obligation according to the

Services to the Customer.

5.5. On the last day of each month, the Agency shall provide the Client with the Acceptance Certificate

for the Services rendered.

5.6. The Customer shall, within 5 (five) banking days from the date of receipt of the Acceptance Certificate

shall return a duly signed copy of the Act to the Agency or

provide in writing a reasoned refusal to accept the Services provided, with a list of comments

to them. If the Customer fails to provide a reasoned refusal within the period specified above, the services

shall be deemed to be duly rendered by the Agency and accepted by the Customer.

5.7. The funds, excluding the Agency Service Fee, are transit funds and belong to the

to the respective carrier.

5.8. Refund of all or part of the amount previously paid by the Customer for air/rail transportation or for unused

transportation, or for an unused section of transportation, shall be refunded in accordance with the rules of the

tariff of the respective carrier upon written application of the Customer.

5.9. In order to receive a refund for unused railway tickets, the Customer shall draw up

on the letterhead of the Customer a letter with a request to make a refund, taking into account penalties

sanctions but not later than 24 hours before the departure of the railway train. In the letter, the Customer shall

must indicate the number of the travel documents to be returned, dates, shrut, name, surname

of the passenger (the Client - the Customer's Principal), and the company's bank details. Only in this case

the Agency will be able to make a refund for unused railway tickets, but not

before receiving the relevant amounts from JSC "Ukrzaliznytsia" to its bank account.

5.10. In case of returning the ticket, the amount of the paid Service Fee is not refundable.

shall not be refunded.


6.1. In case of violation of their obligations under this Agreement, the Parties shall be liable,

determined by this Agreement and the legislation in force in Ukraine. A breach of an obligation is its

non-performance or improper performance, i.e. performance in violation of the conditions specified in the content of the

of the obligation.

6.2. The Agency is not responsible for the actions of airlines and/or third parties, including:

- flight cancellation, change of departure time and/or aircraft type;

-damage, delay, shortage or loss of baggage (both checked and unchecked)

-Non-arrival of vehicles; etc.

6.3. The Agency is not responsible for non-compliance by passengers in whose name

immigration and customs formalities. The Customer shall reimburse the Agency for all expenses,

incurred by the latter in connection with the payment of penalties for violation of immigration and customs rules of the country of entry.

customs rules of the country of entry/transit or deportation of passengers whose air tickets were issued by the

by the Agency at the request of the Customer, only in case of provision of relevant supporting


6.4. The Customer shall fully indemnify the Agency for all documented losses, including but not limited to

losses, including, but not limited to, penalties, fees and/or expenses paid by the Agency,

incurred by the latter in connection with the Client's breach of its obligations under this Agreement.

6.5. All disputes related to this Agreement, its conclusion or arising in the course of

the fulfillment of the terms of this Agreement shall be resolved through negotiations between the representatives of the Parties. If

the dispute cannot be resolved through negotiations, it shall be resolved in court in accordance with the established

jurisdiction of such dispute in accordance with the procedure established by the current legislation of Ukraine.


7.1. All information about the activities of one of the Parties to this Agreement, which becomes known to the other Party

to this Agreement in connection with the signing and/or performance and/or termination of this Agreement, as well as this Agreement and all annexes, addenda and amendments thereto.

this Agreement and all annexes, addenda and amendments hereto shall be considered confidential information (hereinafter referred to as

"Confidential Information").

7.2. Confidential Information may not be transferred by either Party to this Agreement for

familiarization and/or use by third parties without the prior written consent of the other Party

during the term of this Agreement, as well as within two years from the date of termination of this Agreement.

7.3. It shall not be a violation of clauses 7.1.-7.2. of this Agreement if either Party provides confidential

information to the state authorities of Ukraine, which are authorized to do so and whose

requests are duly executed.


8.1. Neither Party shall be deemed liable for failure to fulfill its obligations under this

this Agreement to the extent that the fulfillment of such obligations is delayed or impossible due to

force majeure circumstances.

8.2. The Parties understand force majeure to mean circumstances of an external nature,

which arose beyond the will of the Parties and which could neither be foreseen nor avoided, including natural disasters

natural phenomena (earthquakes, floods, heavy rains, hurricanes, lightning damage, etc.

etc.), disasters of man-made origin (explosions, fires), circumstances of public life (uprisings,

civil unrest, epidemics, strikes, wars and military operations of any nature, blockades,

adoption of acts by public authorities) that make it impossible to fulfill obligations, and which the Parties

could not have foreseen when signing this Agreement.

8.3. The occurrence of force majeure circumstances shall be confirmed by the Party referring to these

circumstances, in accordance with the procedure established by the current legislation of Ukraine, at the request of the other Party.


9.1 This Agreement shall enter into force from the date of its signing and shall be valid until December 31, 2022, but

in any case until the Parties have fully fulfilled their obligations under this Agreement.

9.2. In the absence of a written notice from one of the Parties 14 days prior to the expiration of the

this Agreement may be extended for one year on the same terms and conditions, such extension

shall be carried out annually, without any restrictions on the number of extensions.

9.3. After signing this Agreement, all previous negotiations, correspondence, preliminary

agreements and protocols of intent on issues related to this Agreement shall become null and void.

legal force.

9.4. The Agreement may be terminated at the initiative of one of the Parties provided that there are no

debts and subject to notification of the other Party 1 (one) calendar month prior to the date of termination.


9.5. Amendments to this Agreement may be made by mutual agreement of the Parties, which shall be formalized by

by an additional agreement to this Agreement.

9.6. Amendments and addenda, additional agreements and annexes to this Agreement shall be its integral part and shall be legally binding in the event of

part of this Agreement and shall be legally binding if they are in writing and signed by the

by the authorized representatives of the Parties.

9.7. All legal relations arising in connection with the fulfillment of the terms of this Agreement and not

regulated hereunder shall be governed by the laws of Ukraine in force.

9.8. The Parties shall be solely responsible for the accuracy of the details and obligations specified by them in this Agreement

details specified in this Agreement and undertake to notify the other Party in writing in a timely manner of their changes, and in case of

in case of failure to do so, shall bear the risk of negative consequences related thereto.

9.9. Documents transmitted by electronic means shall have equal legal force with the

original, but only until the Parties receive the respective originals.

9.10. Assignment of the right of claim and (or) transfer of debt under this Agreement by one of the Parties

to third parties is allowed only upon written consent of the other Party.

9.11. The Agency has the status of a single tax payer at the rate of 5% (group 3) according to the Tax Code of Ukraine.

Code of Ukraine.

9.12. The Customer has the status of an income tax payer under the general terms and conditions of the Tax Code of Ukraine.

Code of Ukraine.

9.13. This Agreement is made in Ukrainian in 2 copies, each of which has the same

legal force.




Legal address:

29, Kopernika St., Kyiv, 04116, office "A"

Address for correspondence:

м. 29, Copernicus St., Kyiv, office "A",

EDRPOU code: 37615909,

bank account IBAN UA 88 300528 0000026005601362575

in OTP Bank JSC in Kyiv, MFO 300528,

Single tax payer certificate

5% (3 GROUP) Series A No549960 dated 01.01.2014,

Phone: (044) 303-95-70, (067) 555 5335

e-mail: sales@perseytravel.com.ua

Director____________ O. V. Kucherenko









Director ___________________/_______________/